The biggest shock to Manoj Jarange- rejection from Antarwali

Sekar Chandra
The biggest shock to Manoj Jarange- rejection from Antarwali…

Big news is coming out from the district. Some villagers of Antarwali Sarati have demanded that maratha protester Manoj Jarange Patil should not go on fast in Antarwali Sarati. In this regard, these villagers met the district officials today and gave such a statement. Jarange Patil has been protesting in Antarwali Sarati since last ten months. Because of this movement, the villagers are suffering a lot and now the people are upset. Therefore, the 4th fast of Jarange Patal should be suspended. The villagers have demanded that permission should not be given.

Interestingly, the members of Jarange Patil's delegation are also included among the citizens who are opposing Jarange Patil's hunger strike. So now it will be important to see what role the district administration will take on this. Some villagers of Antarwali Sarati have opposed Jarange Patil's hunger strike.

Manoj Jarange Patil raised a big fight for maratha reservation. After their agitation, the government approved an independent reservation for the maratha community. But Jarange Patil is still adamant on the demand of getting reservation from OBC. For this, he has once again warned of agitation. Manoj Jarange Patil is going to go on a hunger strike once again, but this time his hunger strike is being opposed from the distance. In this regard, today these villagers have met the district officials and given such a statement. Jarange Patil has been protesting in Antarwali Sarati since last ten months. Because of this movement, the villagers are suffering a lot and now the people are upset. Therefore, the 4th fast of Jarange Patal should be suspended. The villagers have demanded that permission should not be given.

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