The new plan of Gurugram Police

Sekar Chandra
The new plan of Gurugram Police

Gurugram News: There will be no checking of vehicles at night and no challan will be issued, what is

Gurugram News: A new advisory has been issued after complaints of extortion in the name of vehicle checking at night in Gurugram. In this, it has been ordered not to do checking without permission.

Gurugram News: There will be no checking of vehicles at night and no challan will be issued, what is the new plan of Gurugram Police

Gurugram News: Now there will be no illegal extortion in the name of vehicle checking at night in Gurugram, the cyber city adjacent to Delhi. Gurugram police has been ordered not to stop vehicles for checking at night and not to challan anyone. This order has been given by the DCP traffic police of Gurugram. Along with this, the policemen who do not follow this have also been ordered to be ready for strict action. This order has come after complaints in which it was said that people were harassed by stopping them unnecessarily in the name of checking at night.

'If necessary, take permission and issue a challan'

Gurugram Deputy Commissioner of police Virendra Vij has issued an order on May 28. It says that all traffic inspectors are ordered that no vehicle will be stopped for checking at night and no one will be challaned. Traffic inspectors should inform all the employees working under them about this order. If it is very important to issue a challan to a vehicle under the MV Act, then this step should be taken only after taking my permission and under the rules.

Night police was deployed, it became a problem

Night traffic police was deployed in Gurugram to maintain proper traffic movement at night and to solve the problems data-faced by common people. Now this police has become the cause of trouble. The DCP said in his letter, 'It has come to my notice that the traffic police personnel deployed at night are stopping the vehicles of common people without any reason. Also harassing them. vehicles are being challaned without any reason.' After this, the DCP has also warned that if any policeman does not follow the rules, strict departmental action will be taken against him immediately.

Explained the work of night police

The DCP has also explained the work of the police deployed at night in his letter. He wrote, 'The traffic police personnel deployed at night have an important role in Gurugram. The work of the traffic police personnel deployed at night is to help the people and help them get out of the road safely in case of a road accident. If a person is injured in an accident, it is their responsibility to help him get admitted to the nearest trauma center immediately and to immediately remove the accident victim vehicle from the main road so that the traffic can run properly.'

Drunk drivers will not be given exemption

However, the DCP has also clarified that the traffic police will not give any relief to those who drive drunk at night. Strict action will continue against them so that major accidents can be avoided. For this, a campaign will be run in different areas at night for three to four days a week.

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