'Drugs' connection to Pune car accident case?

Sekar Chandra
'Drugs' connection to pune car accident case? 

'Drugs' connection is coming to light in pune car accident case. According to information received from sources, the police have now started investigation on the 'drugs' angle in this case. police suspect that the accused had consumed 'drugs' along with alcohol with his friends during the party on saturday and sunday nights.

The police is aware that it is not difficult to find weed (ganja) and charas in the parties of pubs and clubs in Pune. Most of the youth attending the party make a joint (cigarette like sutta) and smoke it with the help of a rolling paper. In such a situation, the police suspect that apart from alcohol, the accused may also have been under the influence of drugs during the accident. The police is waiting for the results of the blood sample sent to the forensic lab to find out whether the minor accused consumed drugs during the party or not. The CCTV footage of the pub is also being scrutinised.

In kalyani Nagar early on sunday, a minor driver of a porsche car crushed two software engineers traveling on a motorcycle. The police claimed that he was driving the car in an intoxicated state. The son of real estate developer vishal Aggarwal (50) was produced before the Juvenile Justice Board after the incident from where the accused was granted bail after a few hours. After this, the police again approached the Juvenile Justice Board and requested to reconsider the order. There was a lot of criticism over the accused getting bail a few hours after the accident, after which the board on wednesday sent the minor accused to the monitoring center till june 5.

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