AP Election 2024: Negligence of officials.. Voters died..!

Narasimha MP, Principal of Minority Gurukul School, was sitting by the fan saying that he was tired of participating in his election campaign. Due to this sudden collapse, the staff rushed to the hospital and the doctors informed that he died due to heart attack. It seems that one of the female candidates who went to vote had a heart attack and died on the spot. Also, another youth went to the polling station to vote and suddenly collapsed due to a heart attack. Along with all of them another woman vijayalakshmi also died due to heart attack.

But the doctors confirmed that all of them died of a heart attack while they were being rushed to the hospital. And if the officials also provide what the voters need and prevent such difficulties from arising, it can be said that the voters are interested in voting more. In andhra pradesh too, similar problems are being data-faced here and there.. Many voters are facing such serious effects during voting. Although the ec authorities are taking special measures against such things, they are not stopping.

Watch out this space for more updates in this regard.

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