Outcry over inflation in PoK

Outcry over inflation in PoK

One dead and many injured among the protesting people

People of PoK are continuously protesting on the streets. During this, there was a clash between the police and the protesters.In POK (Pakistan Occupied Kashmir), people troubled by rising electricity prices and heavy taxes demonstrated strongly against the pakistan government. During this, there was a clash between the security forces and the protesters. In which two people died due to bullet injury on the chest. In which a police officer is also included. About 50 people have been injured in this clash, which includes police and protesters.

According to ANI, due to rising inflation, the action committee had announced protest, long march and chakka jam in PoK, which turned violent on the second day. Amjad Ayub Mirza, a social activist active in pakistan Occupied Kashmir, said that Pakistani security forces are firing on unarmed civilians. At least two people died in the violent clash. It is said that protests took place in Samhani, Sehansa, Mirpur, Rawalkot, Khuiratta, Tattapani, Hattian bala of PoK.

People living in homes were affected

According to media reports, during this strike, the police released tear gas shells after the protesters pelted stones with their charades, due to which people living in houses and mosques were also affected. JKJAC had called for the strike on friday after several of its leaders and workers were arrested by the police in overnight raids in different parts of Muzaffarabad and Mirpur divisions.JKJAAC had announced last month that people from across the state would march towards Muzaffarabad on May 11. people associated with the Public Action Committee are protesting against the taxes imposed on electricity bills and the continuously increasing prices of flour. For your information, let us tell you that in view of the AAC protests, the PoK government banned celebrations, rallies and processions in all the districts and imposed Section 144 in the entire area. Meanwhile, it has come to light that the Chief Secretary of PoK had written a letter to the Secretary of the Interior Division in Islamabad demanding 6 Civil Armed Forces (CAF) platoons for security due to the May 11 strike.

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