Chandrababu: Has the alliance also raised its hands?

As part of the andhra pradesh elections, Chandrababu thought that joining the alliance would help him get along well. What Chandrababu wanted was that the entire system should come under his hands. jagan Mohan reddy who was the chief minister wanted to be temporary. From the time the election begins, the election commission plays the role of Chief Minister. Here, jagan will remain in the position of chief minister.

But at this time Apadbandha can be said to be the chief minister due to the fact that the powers are not in hand. Since Chandrababu also has an alliance with the Center there, he tried to change the whole.. out of which 25 IPS officers should be kept with Purandeshwari.. He wrote a letter about the change. Also, the Chief Secretaries have also changed the DGs. Chandrababu tried a lot for various changes.

But they were able to change the DGPs... they were able to change four IPS... and also they were able to change the intelligent brooms. Neither the Chief Secretary nor the rest of the cadres could change the IPS or even the ttd EO. Only 10 percent of what Chandrababu wanted was successful. But even though Chandrababu Purandeshwari made various plans together, there are reports that they failed. Chandrababu wants to change the alliance in his favor. Various attempts have been made. On the other hand, Chandrababu also held many discussions with the janasena party. And it seems that Chandrababu is a little disappointed that nothing has happened as he had planned.

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