Election effect: Heavy traffic on highways..!

Elections are fast approaching in two telugu states.. Especially in the background of assembly Lok Sabha elections in andhra pradesh on the 13th of this month, all the voters of that state are going back to their hometowns to exercise their right to vote. It seems that there is a heavy traffic jam on hyderabad to vijayawada highway with people traveling in their own vehicles.
There is heavy traffic on the highway since this morning as only two more days are left for polling. Those vehicles are going to places like hyderabad and Visakhapatnam via Vijayawada. As a large number of vehicles are moving on the roads, many people are trying to move slowly.. Anyway, there is a traffic jam from hayat nagar to Abdullah Mate, a suburb of Hyderabad.. It seems that a huge traffic jam has been formed at various toll plazas towards LB nagar vijayawada since yesterday.

But it seems that this time ap voters are flocking to their hometown in a huge way like never before.. And to what extent these voters will influence on whom too.. But till now even the opposition party of auto ruling party is confident that they will win if they win.. especially this time elections too. It has become very important for all the parties.. And the people of andhra pradesh have to wait for a few more days to know which party they will vote for.

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