Pune: Engineering student send pictures of girls

Pune: Engineering student send pictures of girls!!!

According to the police, a case has been registered against the student and her male friend under the indian Penal Code and Information and technology Act.

Pune police has registered a case against a female engineering student from the city for taking pictures of girls in her hostel and sharing them with her male friend. An official gave this information on Thursday.

The officer said that a case of voyeurism has been registered against the girl and her male friend. The officer said that the accused girl is a second year student of a famous college in Shivajinagar area of the city and lives in the college hostel. He said that the college institution had received complaints about this. He said, the girl took pictures of her hostel roommates and shared them with a male friend outside the campus. The institute investigated and later approached the police with a complaint.

Shivajinagar police station officer said that we saw some pictures but found that they were not objectionable, although these pictures were shared with the male friend without the knowledge of his roommates. He said that a case has been registered against the student and her male friend under the indian Penal Code and Information and technology Act.

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