PM Modi is criticized by Sharad Pawar for his election remarks...

S Venkateshwari

PM Modi is criticized by sharad pawar for his election remarks...

Sharad Pawar, the founder of the congress PARTY' target='_blank' title='nationalist congress party-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW">nationalist congress party (NCP), blasted prime minister Narendra Modi for his remarks during his lok sabha campaign, calling them humiliating and unforgivable insults on a single community. "His remarks are disgraceful since he is the nation's prime minister, supposed to guide all and protect everyone's interests, yet he is speaking so poorly about a community," the 83-year-old Pawar, leader of the ncp (Sharadchandra Pawar) faction of the party, said late on tuesday at a campaign rally in Raigad in favor of shiv sena (UBT) candidate Anant Geete. sunil Tatkare, the current mp and ncp candidate, is facing off against Geete. Tatkare defected to deputy chief minister Ajit Pawar following the ncp split in July of last year.

"Making reference to women and children within the Muslim community and requesting that people transfer the nation's assets to them is a regrettable circumstance that has never been introduced into the country by any other leader before," he continued. Modi stirred up controversy on sunday when he said that the Congress will seize people's gold and property, including women's mangalsutras, and disperse it. He said that the congress was influenced by urban Naxals and communists.

"The congress said Muslims had the first claim to the nation's resources when they were in control. To whom, then, will they reallocate resources? those with a larger family data-size. Those who act as spies... According to the congress manifesto, they will redistribute the riches after inventorying our moms' and sisters' gold holdings. And give it to Muslims, who the manmohan singh government claims have the first claim to resources. In Banswara, Rajasthan, Modi remarked, "This is urban Naxal thinking, and mothers and sisters, they will not even spare your mangalsutra."

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