Election-related controversy is even including Pandit Nehru..?

S Venkateshwari
Election-related controversy is even including Pandit Nehru..?

Even Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, the nation's first prime minister, continues to be honored with a seat in the parliament despite the passage of nearly sixty years since his passing. In an effort to demonstrate his political dominance and electoral victories, prime minister Narendra Modi of india has been criticizing Nehru's views and associated incidents in parliament for the past ten years. 

A different conversation should be had about how much of his criticism of Nehru is true and how much is just a political ploy. Nevertheless, it has frequently turned out that remarks made about Nehru were inaccurate or incomplete. In May 2014, Nehru has been given a lot of room in parliamentary talks despite this.

In parliament, all claims must be verified by the members. These are the customs and regulations of parliament. But given the atmosphere that has prevailed for a while, it can be argued that the prime minister and other members of the ruling party are no longer subject to this custom or regulation. Simultaneously, when opposition members cite increased costs as an example of inflation, they are asked to obtain authentication from Aasan.

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