Pakistan is currently experiencing a crisis on several fronts...

S Venkateshwari
Pakistan is currently experiencing a crisis on several fronts...

Now, there could be other data-facets to the explosion that occurred. Since pakistan is essentially sitting on a pile of gunpowder, there is a chance that the TTP, the Baloch factor, and military factors will all play a role in this. In the past two to three months alone, there has been a noticeable rise in terror occurrences in Pakistan's tribal region of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The locals there are growing concerned as daily attacks on the cops occur there. Since the Taliban took over in Afghanistan, the locals have been staging protests against them. The Taliban are receiving significant support from the local population, as well as from religion and philosophy. It receives funds and backing, and at the moment, the military is involved in many issues pertaining to pakistan and Iran, including the rise in Baloch separatism and the Jaish-al-Adl crisis. 

Pakistan data-faces a multidata-faceted issue.

There have been explosions in pakistan this morning, and there are two or three concerns that come to mind as potential causes. Regarding America, imran khan is largely responsible for America's decision to withdraw from Pakistan. His propensity to turn towards China, Turkey, and russia had grown. In the beginning, the army supported imran khan and the PTI both greatly. Nawaz Sharif was expelled at that point and fled to Saudi Arabia. The army supported imran khan at the beginning, but once he regained power and the army began to sense that Imran was becoming uncontrollable, they turned the tables and brought in Nawaz Sharif. Because of this, it is true that the sole person who can rule the army will do so. Neither Nawaz Sharif nor Benazir Bhutto nor imran khan, the democratically elected or army-backed prime ministers of pakistan, have served out their entire terms since the country's independence. To yet, no one has finished the five years.

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