Sahitya Academy Award Announcement for Writer Devibharathi!

frame Sahitya Academy Award Announcement for Writer Devibharathi!

The Sahitya Akademi Award has been announced to writer Devi Bharathi for her novel 'Neeravah Badooum' published in the year 2020. The Sahitya Akademi Award for the year 2023 has been announced for writer Devibharathi's novel 'Neerahip Paduum'. While the award announcement was leaked a few days back and created controversy, the official announcement has been released today.

The Sahitya Akademi Award is given annually for the best book in 24 recognized languages including Tamil. This year's award was announced at the Sahitya Akademi office in the capital delhi at 3 pm on Wednesday. The awards for all languages will be presented at a ceremony in delhi on march 12.

In tamil, this year's award went to Devi Bharathi's third novel, Neeravah Paduum. The novel depicts the downfall of an individual's life and the relationship of the society with him in the life cycle of small-time slum dwellers known as Kudinashuvar.

Devibharathi gets Sahitya Akademi Award for the tamil novel Neervazhi Padooum. "We can announce two things by presenting this novel. The first is that 'Neerarhi Paduum' will always remain one of the best novels in Tamil. The second is the tamil writer Devibharathi, who we can proudly place in the ranks of contemporary world writers," said writer and translator G. Kuppusamy said.

Devibharathi born Rajasekaran was born on 30th december 1957. He writes novels, short stories and articles. His novels like Astral's Solitude, Natraj Maharaj and Noyal are also important works that have received attention. The short stories written by Devi Bharati have been translated into english under the title Farewell to Mahatma.

Earlier Jayanthan Award, Scholar Appreciation Award and Tannaram Award were given to writer Devibharathi. A documentary on Devi Bharati has also been made when the Tannaram Award is given in 2022.

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