Why Kodali Nani go against AP DGP?

Chowdary Sirisha
It is surprising news that YSRCP MLA Kodali Nani is in legal tangle. High Court lashed out Nani for disturbing their precious time. Nani went to court against the appointment of AP Director General of Police JV Ramudu. Why Nani went to the court for Ramudu appointment? Is there any political reason behind that? Why Nani not accepted Ramudu appointment as AP DGP? Kodali Nani last week filed the petition against Ramudu that came to hearing today in High Court. Chief Justice lashed out Nani “It’s none of your business. DGP Appointment is legal or illegal concerned persons should approach. What is the necessity of your involvement in this case?” He also added “You are wasting our time. We are not here to look into unnecessary petitions”. High Court also warned Nani if you really want to proceed in this case you have to ready the next course of severe action. There are some other investigating agencies like CAT to enquire on eligibility of the candidate as DGP or not. Nani advocate decided to withdraw the petition. Is it Nani or YSRCP behind the petition against AP DGP? JV Ramudu is from Ananthapur district not from Krishna District.

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