YS Jagan promises to complete Kadapa Steel plant in 3 years


Accordingly andhra pradesh chief minister YS Jagan mohan reddy laid foundation stone to the kadapa steel plant and expressed his steely resolve to complete the project within three years pro-changing the landscape of the region. The steel plant is our right as per the assurance given by the Centre during bifurcation but there was no pursuance by the previous government and as son of the soil, I have come here to lay the foundation stone in six month of coming to power and assuring you that it will be completed in three years.


The steel plant will provide employment to over 25,000 people and with the steel plant, ancillary units are bound to come up which will increase the job potential and change the landscape of this region, he said after laying the foundation stone to the Rs 15,000 crore Plant. The vizag steel plant was set up after a prolonged agitation and loss of human lives but here being the son of the soil I have come here to lay the foundation stone within six months of taking over the reins. The previous government has ignored the issue for the best part of its term and at the fag-end has taken up the ground breaking ceremony which is nothing short of cheating.


Normally Steel Factories are set up by Centre and it is not in the purview of the State, but we will go ahead negotiating with those interested concurrently and whichever way, our goal is to see that the steel plant is commissioned within three years. An extent of 3,200 acres has been allotted for the steel plant. The plant would produce five million metric tonnes of iron per year. An agreement has been signed with the NMDC which would provide iron ore to the steel plant.

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