OMG..! AP state Secretariat leaking again


Andhra Pradesh sources have made a statement that incessant rains in Andhra Pradesh for the last two days have caused the state Secretariat to leak again. As per reports from sources it was stated that the Secretariat roof plates got damaged and the rain water leaked in several chambers of ministers.

The Secretariat staff is currently busy replacing the roof plates and also drains out the leaked water from the chambers. Meanwhile, the CRDA officials said that the Secretariat ceiling was made in order to avoid fire accidents but the heavy rains have damaged it.

They added that the rain water is getting into officials' chambers through the glass windows due to heavy winds.It may be recalled that the Secretariat soaked in rain water a couple of months ago too.  If this situation persists when the operation work is disrupted it is again a total loss for the records maintained in the Secretariat. Steps are been taken to rectify the problem and work is going on currently.

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