Indian team discovers a switch for 'Brain Development'

Sekar Chandra
A team lead by Indian Origin scientist in Germany has finally decoded a complex regulatory mechanism which explains the role of a core gene in the formation of brain cells. This helps in understanding how a brain develops and holds potential for use in regenerative medicine.

This major breakthrough was achieved by a research team at the laboratory of Dr.Vijay Tiwari in Institute of Molecular Biology (IMB) in Mainz. The lead contributors to this study were Abhijeet Pataskar and Johannes Jung.

Regarding  this the researchers said, "Understanding the gene regulatory networks which are also involved in generation of neurons is one of the toughest and vital questions in neurobiology. Our discovery is an important addition to this." A number of neurodegenerative diseases, which remain incurable, are characterized by a loss in the number of neurons, or brain cells.

Just like other cells in other organs, neurons don't regenerate themselves. And this is why neurodegenerative diseases are incurable. In the image you see the brain cell formed by the function of single gene, NeuroD1.

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