Chinnadana Nee Kosam First day collections

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Nithin's Chinnadana Nee Kosam has completed its day one at the box office successfully. The movie has done well for Nithin's range thanks to the holiday effect due to Christmas. The movie according to the early trends will be the highest first day collected film. However the worrying factor is the bad Word of Mouth and reviews. We will have to see if the movie sustains through the weekend. Experts expect the movie to do well as there is no substantial competition for it at the box office. Mukundha is also carrying bad talk but Chinnadana Nee Kosam has better commercial elements than Mukundha. Here is the breakup of Chinnadana Nee Kosam first day collections: Nizam: 1.15 Cr Ceeded: 41 L Uttarandhra: 28L East: 12.83L West:11L Krishna: 21.57 L Guntur:19L Nellore: 7.63 L AP+TG Total: 2.56 Crore Approx

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