Stampede at Oka Laila Kosam Audio Function in Vijayawada

teja surya
The movie unit of Oka Laila Kosam planned to release the two songs of their movie in the recently inaugurated PVP mall in Vijayawada on Sunday night. The event was planned amid fans and audience. But the lack of proper security totally made the function disarray. Security were not up to the mark to control the 1000s of fans who thronged in to the mall to have a glimpse of their favourite stars. The escalator of the mall was totally destroyed as people beyond its capacity got on it. It is said that big blast occurred at the escalator injuring several fans. Security personnel and Police deployed at the mall resorted to Lathi Charge to control the mob. Fans started to run here and there destroying the window panes and other interiors of the mall. Naga Chaitanya was speaking while the escalator bombed. He was startled with the sudden development and inquired about what happened. In front of him, the injured fans were taken to hospitals. The four floors of the mall was totally filled with fans and their scattered chappals. There are stains of blood also at many places of the mall due to escalator damage. Finally the organizers finished the event immediately and got away from the mall. The movie unit said the mishap is totally due to the failure of the Police. Despite having proper permissions, the police were not deployed in enough numbers to control the crowd. Only the private security of the mall and movie unit controlled the mob to some extent.

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