Heroine's big dream on Marriage and sex

Jacquline the kick beauty of B-town apart from her film life and promotional part is also interested in making out some good headlines every single day on her desires with sex and marriage plans. Recently speaking about her kick film too she said that she is obsessed to get married and have children very soon and enjoy life. "Yes, marriage does figure in my life as I do want to have children. But I could also consider having children without getting married. The primary thing is having a good father, a partner who could be there with me through that journey. Times have definitely changed and we need to go with what we are comfortable with as we don't need to necessarily conform as much today. I would love to have children as I am such a mommy." I have always been like that. Since I was as young as I can remember, my dolls became my babies, I still have my teddy bear from childhood that I named Mama bear because actually I wanted to be the mama. I know that I can be a really good mom as I love kids and love doing things for them added Jacquline.  

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