One Husband, Two Wives: Shameless Display On TV

Outrage has been generated by the addition of armaan malik and his two wives, Payal and Kritika, as participants on the current season of bigg boss OTT 3. A backlash to the blatant display of polygamous partnerships on television has been seen on social media. The group is receiving harsh criticism from both viewers and critics for their flagrant disdain for traditional family values and conventions. The morality of fostering these kinds of connections on a well-known entertainment website like bigg boss is being questioned by many.
Outraged, one spectator said, "This is disgraceful; it's not entertainment." bigg boss has descended to unprecedented depths by endorsing polygamy. What message are they giving our young people? This is about moral deterioration, not entertainment. social media discussions over the appropriateness of polygamy in contemporary culture have been sparked by the introduction of armaan malik and his spouses.
Such conduct not only lays a hazardous precedent for impressionable young viewers, but it also weakens the institution of marriage. "Seeing these people praised for their polygamous lives is unsettling. This is detrimental and retrograde; it's hardly a progressive step, according to another reply. When both of Armaan Malik's wives became pregnant at the same time, they attracted attention. Their unusual relationships—characterized by name tattoos on each other—remain shocking and divisive to viewers. The choice of the show to include these competitors has sparked outrage from many people.


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