Jagan's political power as an Irrevocable Leader..!!

Sowmiya Sriram
Jagan's political power as an Irrevocable Leader..!!
* Jagan's name is a brand in andhra pradesh politics.
* Jagan's political reign as an unstoppable leader from mp to Chief Minister.
*Identified as a younger son in direct politics.
It should be said that Jagan's name is sensational in andhra pradesh politics. As the son of the late YS Rajasekhar reddy, jagan entered direct politics in 2009 and won a sensational victory. There was a big change in the politics of the state. Fans and activists wanted jagan to become the chief minister, but the congress party, which was in the center at that time, made Konijty Rosaya the Chief Minister. At the same time, when the kcr Telangana movement rose, Rosaya resigned from the post of CM. After that, Nallari kiran became the Speaker of the Legislative assembly of the congress Party. Kumar reddy was made the CM. At the same time, jagan came out of congress because congress did not allow him to go on a consolatory trip.
YSRCP party was founded in 2011. 19 congress MLAs and two MPs resigned and joined this party. With this, ycp created a sensation by winning 16 mla and 2 mp seats in the by-elections held. jagan was arrested. With this, the ycp party was led by Jagan's sister Sharmila. jagan spent 16 months in jail. Later, congress disappeared in andhra pradesh as the state was divided into two. With this, Chandrababu became the cm with the support of pawan kalyan in the 2014 elections. ycp won more than 68 seats and became the main opposition. Later, jagan, who took up the Pada yatra like his father, achieved a sensational victory in the 2019 elections. He created a sensation by winning 151 seats. Thus, jagan became an unstoppable leader from mp to mla and Chief Minister. But unexpectedly, in the 2024 elections, the ycp party won only 11 seats and received a heavy defeat. It has been announced that they will rush at speed.

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