Even though Vijay and Trisha's health condition has been checked!!

Even though Vijay and Trisha's health condition has been checked!! 

Who gave cocaine to the actors? Veeralakshmi complaint

Veeralakshmi urged singer Suchitra and all the accused actors and actresses to check whether they used cocaine and where they got the cocaine from and strict action should be taken against the drug lord who gave them cocaine.

The sensational Suchi leaks

Popular Pinnani singer Suchitra created a stir in 2017 by publishing pictures related to the intimate life of various screen stars under the name "Suchi Leaks". Suchitra data-faced huge controversies through this matter. After this, Suchitra, who kept quiet for a few years in a way that was not known to the outside world, is now the subject of an interview given to YouTube channels.

'Trisha who danced drunk'

In that interview, "There have been many parties like this at Vijay's house, who pretends to be a good man. trisha is also one of this gang, she has made a bed with her rich friends and danced in front of Vijay's house after drinking."

No one can ever forget this." "The actor had also complained about Dhanush, venkat Prabhu, Andrea and others that drugs are being used in the film industry.


Complaint to tamil Nadu Govt

While this incident has created a lot of excitement, tamil Nadu leader Veeralakshmi has filed a complaint in the Department of Alcohol Prohibition and Aayirtirva, which has been banned among school and college students and among young people who have been banned for the past few years. Due to this the health, education and knowledge of the students are getting ruined. Due to this, the future of the younger community is questionable.


 Because the cinema industry has no concern for these people, the younger community, the younger children and the students, because they don't realize their responsibility, they focus only on their own good life and are indifferent to the thought of what will happen to us if this society and these people go bad.

Trisha, suchitra

Actors who used cocaine

Famous actors and actresses actor Dhanush, Vijay, Vijayesudas. In front of trisha, Andrea and singer Suchitra, singer Suchitra has openly revealed on various YouTube channels that her husband Karthik has been using cocaine, a banned drug, at parties.Due to this, there is a feeling among the public that the government will not take any action among the students among the younger community if this narcotic drug called cocaine is used and there is also distrust.


Do a physical examination

In her complaint, Veeralakshmi said that singer Suchitra and all the accused actors and actresses should be physically examined to see if they used cocaine and from where they got this cocaine, where did they get it, and strict action should be taken against the drug kingpin who gave them cocaine to protect the students and the younger community.

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