I am not an assistant director of my uncle; Is Shankar's son-in-law rich? Who is this Tarun Karthikeyan?

I am not an assistant director of my uncle; Is Shankar's son-in-law rich? Who is this tarun Karthikeyan?

Darun Karthikeyan, director Shankar's daughter Aishwarya's husband, said she did not serve her uncle as an assistant director.

Aishwarya Shankar

Aishwarya, the eldest daughter of the magnificent director Shankar, was married a few days ago. He was married to tarun Karthikeyan. The wedding ceremony was held in chennai at a wedding ceremony. This is the second marriage to Shankar's daughter.

Aishwarya Shankar, tarun Karthikeyan

Aishwarya is currently married to the second time after aishwarya Shankar's first wedding in divorce. There was some information about Shankar's son -in -law Tarun. According to reports in Kollywood, shankar had worked as an assistant director and that shankar had married his daughter to him.

Aishwarya shankar Wedding

But that is not true. tarun Karthikeyane said at a press conference that he did not serve his father -in -law shankar as an assistant director. Yesterday, director shankar called the journalists and had a huge feast. aishwarya and her husband tarun karthikeyan were also talking about their marriage.

Rathnam movie

It was then that tarun told about his background. Accordingly, he and his father are running an IT company. tarun is a software engineer. Due to his interest in cinema, he is currently working with director Hari as an assistant director. tarun is the assistant director of the film Ratnam, who is currently starring in Hari. tarun said that he had never worked in any film to Shankar

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