Billions of profits to investors!!!

S Venkateshwari
Billions of profits to investors!!!

Cryptocurrency has attracted investors towards it with great speed in the last few years. The biggest reason for this is big earnings in a short time. In india too, the trend of investing in cryptocurrencies has increased rapidly in the last few years. Although this method of investing is very risky, yet people are investing in it rapidly. But the riskier it is, the more profit is also in it. According to a data analytics firm, investors made a lot of money from crypto last year. During this, the profits of crypto investors increased by almost 400 times. According to the report, Ethereum earned the most compared to Bitcoin.

Profits to investors

According to the Chainalysis report, in the year 2021, crypto investors around the world have made a profit of about Rs 12 lakh crore. Whereas in the year 2020, this profit was only 2.5 lakh crore rupees. In this sense, crypto investors have got 5 times more profit in the year 2021. In percentage terms, this is an increase of 400 percent.

Even though the number of indians on the list of investors is high, india is still at a very low position in terms of earning from crypto. America is at the forefront of earning from crypto. In the year 2020, this earning was only $ 8.1 billion. After America, investors from the UK, Germany, Japan, and china have made good profits. In one year, the earnings of UK investors have increased by 431 percent and that of German investors by 423 percent. After this comes the number of Turkish investors, who are at number six in terms of earning from crypto. The investors here have made a profit of $ 4.6 billion.

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