Can smokers quit smoking easily??


Sources have stated that smokers suffer from poor physical and mental health, but find it difficult to kick the butt despite being aware of the serious health risks, according to a study conducted in five major cities in India. Sources have added that smokers are 178% more likely to suffer from mental stress than non-smokers, according to the study titled 'Choose Life'.

Recently the study was conducted among 1,000 individuals, both smokers and non-smokers, in New Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Lucknow and Bengaluru. The study showed that nine in 10 smokers have made efforts to kick the habit, but have struggled to quit even after knowing the serious health risks associated with it. Researchers found that three in four respondents smoked even if they were unwell and eight in 10 smokers felt the urge to light a cigarette as soon as they woke up.

Meanwhile Prabhudesai, Vasunethra Kasargod, a leading consultant pulmonologist in Vikram Hospital, said stress and increasing workload are often considered as triggers to smoke. "Ironically, while it gives you temporary relief, the long-term impact on mental and physical health could be seriously impacted

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