What's the matter with Israel and Palestine?
Following World war I, the Ottoman Empire collapsed in the Middle East, and the british took control of this region. where the majority of the Arab and Jewish communities resided. The two became more and more tense. Then, at this location in palestine, the british rulers discussed the creation of a "separate land" for the Jews. The United Nations made the decision to split palestine in half in 1947. wherein it was thought to set aside a portion for Arab populations and a portion for Jewish groups. In this context, Jewish leaders declared the creation of the state of israel on May 14, 1948, in the data-face of Arab resistance, and the british withdrew.The first Israeli-Arab war started shortly after this. As a result, over 7.5 lakh Palestinians lost their homes in this area. This entire region was split into three sections following the conflict. israel makes up the first section, followed by the West bank (the western bank of the jordan River) and the Gaza Strip. Palestinians then reside in the West bank and Gaza Strip. 22 lakh people live in the Gaza Strip, which is roughly 25 miles long and 6 miles wide. This is the world's most densely populated area in terms of population.