World's Oldest Known Person, Dies...

S Venkateshwari
World's Oldest Known Person, Dies...

The world's oldest woman French nun Lucille Randon has passed away at the age of 118. people also know Lucille Randon by the name of Sister Andre. Born in southern france on february 11, 1904, Lucille Randon saw the world changing. She was also born a decade before the First World War. She has also seen both world wars. Spokesman David Tavella said she died at her nursing home in Toulon. She was sleeping and never woke up again. She is the oldest woman ever known.

David Tavella, a spokesman for the Sainte-Catherine-Labor Nursing home, said, 'We are deeply saddened by the passing of Sister Andre. Shee has seen many rounds of the world. She has also seen the world war and has also seen the rise of the United Nations. She has seen the story from the disintegration of france to its formation. Lucille Randon was born the year New York opened its first subway and the Tour de france was staged only once.

Lucille Randon was very active even in the last few days

Lucille Randon was very active in her nursing home even during the last days of her life at home. She used to pray every day. She used to take care of all the dependents while eating. All the employees of were impressed by her. The world is paying tribute to her on her death.

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