Ideal Diet after Cesarean Delivery


Easily Digestible Foods

You should be careful not to eat foods that cause gas and constipation. Avoid carbonated drinks and fried foods, which produce gas. Eat fiber rich foods to stay away from constipation. Warm soups can be easily digested, and are nutritious as well. Cottage cheese, broth, and yogurt are also good.


Proteins aid in the growth of new cell tissues and help in the healing process. Protein rich foods facilitate tissue repair and maintain muscle power after the surgery. You can eat fish, eggs, chicken, dairy foods, meat, peas, dried beans, and nuts.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C speeds up the recovery process and combats infections. The antioxidant nature of vitamin C helps the body repair the tissue. You can include lots of fruits and veggies like oranges, melons, papayas, strawberries, grapefruits, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, and broccoli.


Iron is essential to maintain hemoglobin levels and regain blood that you have lost during the delivery process. Also, it aids in the functioning of the immune system. Iron-rich foods include egg yolk, red meat, oysters, figs, beef liver, dried beans and dry fruits. 


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