3 cups of hot coffee is so good for the heart!?

Sowmiya Sriram
3 cups of hot coffee is so good for the heart!?
Are you drinking coffee? It's hard for you. There have always been conflicting studies regarding coffee and tea. Recently, a report has been released saying that heart health is very good with three cups of coffee a day. It is interesting to say that the calculation of the benefits of three cups of coffee a day is detailed. If you take 3 cups of coffee a day, the changes that take place in the body are explained in detail.
Researchers of Suzhou Medical college of Soukhou university in china analyzed it. The study was conducted on the basis of information collected from about 1.72 lakh people. Details related to this have been published in the Clinical Endocrinology - Metabolism Journal. What does this study say? What are the health benefits of drinking three cups of coffee a day? What are the reasons for that? If you look at the details. It reduces the risk of many metabolic diseases by 40-48 percent. Metabolic problems related to the heart are not data-faced. No heart attacks, no strokes. All those who did not data-face such problems found that they consumed three cups of coffee a day. - 200-300 mg of caffeine was found to be consumed by them daily. By consuming this amount of caffeine per day, the risk of obesity, high cholesterol, diabetes, and other diseases can be reduced by 40-48 percent.

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