What is spinal stroke? Spinal Cord Stroke

Sekar Chandra
What is spinal stroke?

Spinal Cord Stroke: Not only the brain, stroke can also happen in the spinal cord, know the symptoms of spinal cord stroke?

What is spinal cord stroke? When the blood circulation in the spinal cord in our body is not correct, the spinal cord does not get oxygen and nutrients, which causes tissue damage and the damage sometimes causes stroke.

Spinal Cord Stroke: Not only the brain, stroke can also happen in the spinal cord, know the symptoms of spinal cord stroke?

We get scared just by hearing the name of stroke. Brain or brain stroke happens often. But have you ever heard that the spinal cord or spine can have a stroke! Doctors say that the incidence of spinal stroke has increased all over the world these days.

Spinal stroke is similar to brain stroke. Just as a brain stroke occurs when the blood supply to the brain is reduced, similarly the risk of spinal stroke increases when the blood supply to the spine is disrupted. Let us know today how dangerous spinal stroke can be for us.

What is spinal stroke?

Actually, when the blood flow in the spinal cord in our body is not proper, the spinal cord does not get oxygen and nutrients, which damages the tissues and can cause damage. Due to this, the nerve impulses of the messages passing through the spinal cord can be blocked. In this situation, you may have a spinal stroke, which is called ischemic spinal stroke. Some spinal strokes are caused by bleeding, which is called hemorrhagic spinal stroke.

What are the symptoms of spinal stroke?

It is very important to know the symptoms to avoid spinal stroke. In the first few hours of spinal stroke, the patient starts having muscle cramps and has difficulty walking. The patient's hands and feet become numb. He loses control over urination. In such a situation, difficulty in breathing is also a symptom of spinal stroke. In many cases, the patient becomes paralyzed and in some cases the patient may also die. When the spinal cord does not get enough blood, when it does not get enough oxygen and nutrients, it damages the cells of the spinal cord, then a condition like stroke occurs. Although these types of strokes are rare, they account for only 0.3% to 1% of all strokes. If not treated immediately, spinal stroke can lead to paralysis and sometimes even death

Who is more likely to suffer or who is at greater risk?

You may suffer a spinal stroke due to lack of blood. This is often caused by the narrowing of the arteries that supply blood to the spinal cord. Arteries become narrowed or weakened due to high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease and diabetes. people who smoke, drink excessively, do not exercise regularly are at greater risk.

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