If the skin has turned black due to sun tan, then use tomato like this

Sekar Chandra
If the skin has turned black due to sun tan, then use tomato like this, the skin will get glow immediately

Sun Tan Treatment: If the skin has turned black in the sun, then you can use tomato to remove sun tan in the way mentioned here.

If the skin has turned black due to sun tan, then use tomato like this, the skin will get glow immediately

Remedies To Remove Tan

Tan Removal: The effect of heat and sunlight is affecting people's health. Due to this people are falling ill. Due to sunlight, people's skin is also affected along with health. Staying in the sun for a long time causes sun tan. Due to sunlight, the skin starts getting dark and people use the products available in the market to avoid it. However, you can remove suntan at home by following some easy tips.

Tomato for Tanning

Tomato contains vitamin c which is good for the skin. It also has skin brightening properties. Not only this, it also contains lycopene and beta carotene properties. With its help, redness and dullness of the skin can be removed. Let us tell you about its use.

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Use tomato for sun tanning like this

1. You can clean the skin with the help of tomato. For this, tomato puree has to be mixed with honey. Take a tomato and take out two spoons of its puree. Add a little honey to it. Apply it on the data-face and after leaving it for about 10 minutes, wash the data-face with clean water.

2. After cleaning the data-face, scrubbing tomato is also good for the skin. For this, mix rice flour in tomato puree. Apply it on the data-face and scrub it gently for 4-5 minutes. Then wash the data-face with plain water.

3. To remove sun tan, you can massage the data-face with tomato. For this, take tomato juice and add a spoon of milk to it. Massage the data-face with this and wash the data-face after about 15 minutes. By doing this, the data-face will get instant glow.

4. You can make a tomato data-face pack and use it for skin care. For this, make a paste by mixing tomato puree, milk and coffee powder. Apply it on the darkened skin near the data-face and neck. Wash the data-face with water after about half an hour.

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