Healthy and tasty ulutham paal recipe

Healthy and tasty ulutham paal recipe

Ulutham Paal : Drink this milk daily.. Say goodbye to back pain, hip pain..

In this article, we will learn how to make urad dal milk and what are its benefits.

If you want the health of the people in your house to be good, make urad milk. It is very very good for health.

Yes, this milk is full of countless benefits. Very nutritious. Make it once and give this milk and everyone in your house will love to drink it from the kids to the adults. This milk is delicious to drink and very easy to make. Ok buy now in this article, let's know how to make urad dal milk and what are its benefits.

Ingredients required to make urad milk:

Urutam dal - 1 (big glass)

Water - 5 glasses

Cardamom powder – 1/2 spoon

Cumin powder - 1/4 spoon

Coconut - 1 1/2 (grated)

Black pepper – as per taste


To make urad dal, first wash the urad dal well in water and soak it for about 3 hours. Once the gram is soaked well, wash it once again and then put it in the cooker. Then already with this, add water and cover the cooker and put it for 3 whistles. Once the cooker whistles, open the cooker lid and let it cool down a bit.

After this, take the excess water in a separate vessel. Then, put the urad dal in a mixing jar, add the required amount of water to it and grind it well. Now transfer the ground urad dal to a wide pan and then put the pan on the stove and boil it. Add the boiled water you have already taken to this and keep stirring continuously.

After some time, the batter will foam and start boiling well. Also, if you feel the dough is too thick, add little water and keep stirring. Be careful not to get hit. Boil it like this for about half an hour. After some time, the foam will subside and it will look like water. At this point, add both the cardamom powder and suku powder and stir once. Then, add the prepared black pepper as per your taste and stir well. After some time, add grated coconut to this and stir once

If you drop it, the nutritious urad dal milk is ready!!!

Ulundam Milk Benefits:

Consuming this milk regularly will cure bone related problems. Apart from that, many women nowadays are facing problems related to gestational sac. A wonderful remedy to prevent this problem is this Urutam milk.

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