World Ovarian Cancer Day 2024: 80 percent of women are unable to detect the symptoms of ovarian cancer

World Ovarian cancer Day 2024: 80 percent of women are unable to detect the symptoms of ovarian cancer, know why its risk increases

Ovarian cancer Day is celebrated every year on 8 May to raise awareness about ovarian cancer and to prevent it, let us know what are its symptoms.

Cancer is such a serious disease, due to which millions of people lose their lives all over the world. cancer, considered one of the most dangerous diseases in the world, is of many types, these include breast cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer, uterine cancer etc. One of these is ovarian cancer. According to health experts, this cancer is one of the common cancers in women.

Ovarian cancer Day (World Ovarian cancer Day 2024) is celebrated every year on 8 May to raise awareness about ovarian cancer and to prevent it. Let us know what is this cancer and what are its symptoms and prevention measures...

What is ovarian cancer? (Ovarian Cancer)

According to health experts, ovarian cancer occurs when abnormal cells in your ovaries or fallopian tubes start growing and go out of control. It starts from the ovaries. Symptoms of ovarian cancer often do not appear early, so many times women are unable to detect this serious disease growing in the body. According to health experts, if ovarian cancer occurs, it can usually spread from your pelvis to your lymph nodes, stomach, intestines, abdomen, chest or liver.

What are the symptoms of ovarian cancer? (Ovarian cancer Symptoms)

According to health experts, ovarian cancer can develop and spread throughout the abdomen even before any symptoms are detected. Apart from this, it can also be difficult to detect it early. Let us tell you that its symptoms can include pelvic and abdominal pain, feeling full quickly after eating and feeling hungry quickly, vaginal discharge, abdominal bleeding, constipation, frequent urination...

Why does the risk of ovarian cancer increase?

According to health experts, there are many reasons for ovarian cancer. Usually it is caused most due to lack of physical activity and poor lifestyle. Apart from this, ovarian cancer can also occur due to obesity and family history. According to health experts, its risk also increases due to polycystic ovarian syndrome and ovarian cyst.

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