These 5 foods are a panacea for the thyroid in winter


These 5 foods are a panacea for the thyroid in winter, you will get instant relief

Thyroid problems are more common in winter. Its medicines can last a lifetime. Some remedies for this have been suggested in Ayurveda. Many superfoods provide relief to the thyroid.

Thyroid Control Foods

Thyroid problems are more common in women. Now teenage girls have also started falling prey to it. The biggest matter of concern is that the thyroid affects overall health. This problem increases during the winter season. In such a situation, ayurveda has mentioned some superfoods, by consuming which Thyroid can be controlled. Let us know about 5 such foods...

These foods will give relief to the thyroid

1. coriander seeds

Coriander seeds are considered great for thyroid patients. These contain high amounts of vitamins A, C, K, and folate. These work to improve thyroid function. Provides relief by reducing swelling. Soak one spoon of coriander seeds in a glass of water overnight and drink the water in the morning on an empty stomach.

2. Amla

Amla is considered beneficial in many ways. It is also very effective in controlling the thyroid. vitamin c found in it works to increase the immunity of the body. It helps a lot in the thyroid. It is beneficial for people suffering from thyroiditis to include Amla in their daily diet. It works to improve the health of the thyroid gland. Amla can be eaten as juice, powder, chutney, or vegetable.

3. Coconut

Coconut is very beneficial for thyroid patients. Coconut can be consumed in any way. Its consumption improves metabolism and strengthens the digestive system. Its direct effect is seen on the thyroid.

4. Moringa

Consumption of Moringa provides relief from the thyroid. It is rich in protein, iron, calcium, vitamin c, and vitamin A. Along with balancing the thyroid hormone, it also improves its level. Moringa works to absorb levothyroxine in the body. Moringa leaves contain thiocyanate and polyphenols, which act as anti-thyroid.

5. Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds are also like a superfood for health. The amount of zinc in these is very high. Zinc works to absorb other vitamins and minerals in the body. It increases the synthesis and balance of thyroid hormones in the body, which provides great relief to the thyroid. Thyroid patients should consume one spoonful of pumpkin seeds regularly.

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