Monkeypox Myths truth behind it!!?

Monkeypox Myths: Such wrong information about infection can confuse you, know what is the truth?
In many countries of the world including India, the outbreak of monkeypox infection with corona continues at this time. So far, more than 20 thousand cases have been reported worldwide. Talking about India, the infection has been confirmed in four people so far, out of which one youth also died on Saturday. In view of the increasing risk of this infection globally, the World health Organization (WHO) has declared the outbreak of monkeypox as a 'global health emergency.

It is worth noting that monkeypox infection is new for many countries, in such a situation there is a lack of correct information related to it, in such a situation many types of wrong and misleading information are spreading rapidly.Health experts say any disease can be prevented only when people have the right information about it. people need to be very cautious about the way rumors and misinformation are spreading rapidly on social media regarding monkeypox. In the case of misinformation, the disease can be difficult to control. Let us know what is the truth about monkeypox infection and what kind of rumors should not be trusted.
Since the beginning of monkeypox infection, such things are being heard that its infection can be quite fatal. The chances of survival after being infected with monkeypox are greatly reduced, although health experts refute this.
According to the US CDC, 99 percent of people infected with monkeypox have a chance of recovery and long survival. Monkeypox rarely causes serious conditions. However, the symptoms of this viral infection can be serious.
There is also a lot of confusion among people regarding the treatment and prevention of monkeypox. It is also being claimed on social media that there is no strong vaccine or remedy to prevent this infection. Although the US CDC states that monkeypox and smallpox viruses are genetically identical. Vaccines used to protect against the smallpox virus can be used to prevent infection with monkeypox. Smallpox vaccination can also protect against infection with monkeypox.
Health experts say that although smallpox and monkeypox are similar-looking infections, the infection of monkeypox is very different in terms of disease status. Symptoms of monkeypox infection are painful, another characteristic of this infection is that it causes swollen lymph nodes. Therefore, it is not right to consider it an infection like smallpox. Different methods are also used to treat both.
There are also many rumors about the spread of monkeypox infection. In some reports, it is being claimed that this virus causes infection through breath like a corona. However, studies have found that people who have close contact with an infected person, come into contact with a wound or bodily fluid, or have a physical relationship with an infected person have a higher risk of contracting monkeypox. There is no evidence of its spread through the air.

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