The risk of cancer can be reduced by 60%, how?Cancer is happening to one in four as a common disease nowadays. There are many forms of cancer but every type of cancer is dangerous. We can control it to some extent with our lifestyle and eating habits, but even today it has not been possible to control cancer completely. Recently there has been a study in which it has been seen that without any medicine, the risk of cancer can be reduced by 60 percent. Scientists have also accepted this.
Vitamin D, Omega 3, and the ExerciseAccording to a study published in the Journal Frontiers in Aging, scientists have come up with three ways to reduce cancer. For this, he has told high doses of vitamin D, Omega-3, and exercise as its mantra. It has been written in the report that if someone is 70 or older and consumes vitamin D and omega-3 and exercises, then their risk of cancer will be 60 percent less.
How do these three measures work?Vitamin D prevents the growth of cancer cells and Omega 3 prevents the cells that are going to turn into cancer, exercise helps in developing your body's immune system.
How did the study happen?For this study, 2,157 people were included, on whom research was done for a full 3 years. All of them were people of 70 years of age or more. These tests were held in Switzerland, France, Germany, Austria, and Portugal. All of these people were tested on the effect of high doses of vitamin D and omega-3s, along with moderate exercise, on their risk of invasive cancer.