Sowmiya Sriram
The highly used beverage in the world is coffee. There are mixed reviews on drinking coffee is good or harmful to health. Caffeine is the key content we know when we think about coffee. But, it has many health benefits like antioxidants which reduce inflammation and boost our immunity against various diseases. Most people get their powerful antioxidants from coffee than vegetables and fruits. Researchers have also proven recently that coffee drinkers have good energy levels and better mental health. Depression is most common among many people today. But studies show that drinking coffee can fight against depression, makes us happier and more energetic. The Caffeine present in the coffee helps us to increase our metabolic rate and helps in burning fats in our body. coffee contains many essential vitamins and minerals like riboflavin, manganese, magnesium, and potassium. coffee also reduces type 2 diabetes risk in our body. Liver cancer is one of the causes of cancer death in the world. Drinking coffee reduces the risk of such cancer. But these benefits may decrease for long-term coffee drinkers. Roughly 400mg of caffeine is healthy and safe for an adult. It is about 3 to 4 cups of brewed coffee.

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