Alert:Only for those who Stay Awake Till Late Night!!!

S Venkateshwari
Alert:Only for those who Stay Awake Till Late Night!!!

One cause of elevated blood cholesterol in the veins is improper eating. If bad cholesterol levels are elevated, there may be an additional unique cause.

High LDL may also result from staying up late or from keeping your eyes glued to a phone or television. Sleep deprivation or disturbance is the root cause of numerous illnesses and has an immediate impact on the heart and blood sugar levels.

Your risk of developing diabetes and heart disease increases if you don't get enough slumber. The report of the Global diabetes Community states that in new research, it has been found that the risk of heart disease rises manifold if you do not get adequate sleep. The danger of heart disease is greatly increased by frequent sleep disruption. The Vanderwilt Medical Center researchers who conducted this investigation.

Regular sleep disruptions or nighttime awakenings greatly increase the risk of atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is a heart condition where the artery wall becomes adhered with fat, cholesterol, and other compounds. Atherosclerosis results from this.

As a consequence, the risk of heart attack, stroke, and cardiac arrest is increased. This research involved about 2000 individuals. These individuals were observed for a number of weeks before it was determined that frequent changes in sleeping patterns and sleep disturbance result in severe heart diseases.

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