What happens at End of Doctor Strange 2? Is Scarlet Witch Really Dead?

Wanda Maximoff destroys the Darkhold temple and all versions of the book across the multiverse so that no one may ever utilise the spells again in doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. America Chavez is the one who finally convinces Wanda of the extent of the devastation she has caused and will continue to cause if she does not stop, by showing her how her children from another planet see her with terror. Scarlet Witch backs off and works to make things right, realising she doesn't want to be the dread on her kids' data-faces and knowing they are well-loved by Earth-838's version of herself. America also understands that she has the ability to manage her abilities.
Doctor Strange and Wong labour to reconstruct Kamar-Taj after Wanda's demise, training new apprentices while attempting to reclaim some sort of normalcy. Wanda is most likely no longer alive, and America has yet to locate her parents. Meanwhile, after using the Darkhold to possess his own dead corpse from another dimension, doctor Strange is granted the Third Eye. The film's conclusion is a triumph for doctor Strange, Wong, and America, who all contributed to preventing the Scarlet Witch from using the multiverse for personal gain. That isn't to say that doctor Strange's journey through the multiverse hasn't created its own problems. His own dream-walking across the MCU multiverse has caused an incursion, destroying the multiverse's balance and causing worldly barriers to smash and destroy entire universes. And that's where Clea, the mysterious sorceress, steps in to help doctor Strange correct what he's done wrong.
Is Scarlet Witch Really Dead?
Scarlet Witch destroyed the Darkhold temple by destroying the entire infrastructure, leaving nothing behind. The temple's entire structure collapsed on top of her, killing her. Scarlet Witch was not mentioned in the post-credits scenes, but she is most likely still alive. It would be unusual to terminate her journey so soon after she made the decision to do the right thing, and Scarlet Witch is far too compelling a character to have her story end in this fashion. Wanda may have cast a spell to protect herself from the falling rocks and reappeared only after the temple had been completely demolished. Scarlet Witch, if she isn't dead, could go into hiding for a bit like she did after WandaVision before reappearing when the necessity for her and her abilities arises.

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