Mass shooting in a Walmart store - 6 people dead...

S Venkateshwari
Mass shooting in a Walmart store - 6 people dead...

There was a fierce firing in a Walmart store in virginia State of America (Walmart Store Firing). At least 10 people are feared dead in this shootout. The person who fired has been killed in an encounter. The attack took place on wednesday at a Walmart store in Chesapeake City, Virginia. Dozens of people have also been injured in this firing. The death toll has not yet been officially confirmed.

According to the report, inside this Walmart store, the attacker gunned down several employees of the store. It is suspected that the attacker was an employee of the store. The identity of the attacker has not yet been confirmed. police officials told that when they arrived, many people were badly injured. The rest of the store's employees were evacuated safely.

Shot himself after firing

People present in the store at the time of the attack say that the night manager shot a woman in the head. Then he also killed many more employees in break form and fired dozens of rounds. Later the attacker also shot himself. Efforts are being made to find out why the attacker took such a step.

Due to the simple rules regarding weapons in America, there is an abundance of weapons. In the last few years, the incidents of firing have increased a lot. Every day cases of firing come from one city or the other. In the last few years, more than 50 thousand people of America have lost their lives and lakhs of people have been injured in the incidents of firing.

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