Hyderabad's Iconic Biryani Eateries Under Scrutiny

Sindujaa D N
Recent inspections by the Commissionerate of Food Safety, Telangana, have revealed troubling findings at some of Hyderabad's renowned eateries, famous for their biryani and other delicacies. Authorities discovered instances where expired or stale ingredients were being used, and observed unhygienic conditions in the preparation areas.
Deputy Food director Vijay Kumar expressed dismay over the lack of basic hygiene practices observed during these inspections. He highlighted several alarming issues, including the use of products past their expiry dates, the incorporation of prohibited synthetic colors in food preparations, and the presence of uncovered garbage cans in kitchen areas.
In response to these findings, the eateries in question defended their practices, asserting that any spoiled items found were designated for disposal, not for use in food preparation. They maintained that they adhere to stringent hygiene standards in their kitchens.
The revelations have sparked concerns among consumers and authorities alike, as these establishments are pivotal to Hyderabad's culinary reputation. The Commissionerate of Food Safety's actions underscore the importance of maintaining strict adherence to food safety regulations to safeguard public health and uphold the city's gastronomic traditions.

At rayalaseema Ruchulu, a renowned eatery celebrated for its spicy dishes from Andhra Pradesh's rayalaseema region, recent inspections uncovered disturbing findings. Officials reported discovering insects in essential ingredients such as flour and tamarind. However, a representative from the restaurant countered these claims, asserting that the items in question were actually designated for disposal due to spoilage.

Meanwhile, at Rameshwaram Café, famous for its traditional South indian breakfast offerings, inspectors unearthed further issues. They identified 100 kg of urad dal and 10 kg of curd past their expiration dates. Additionally, observations revealed that waste bins in the kitchen were left uncovered, contrary to basic hygiene practices. Furthermore, many products lacked proper labeling, raising concerns about traceability and quality control.

These revelations highlight significant lapses in food safety protocols at these esteemed establishments.

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