Arab countries united after US aid was stopped


Syria: Arab countries united after US aid was stopped, will discuss Syria's future in Paris

The announcement of a ban on financial and military cooperation by the US can prove to be a big crisis for Syria. A meeting is going to be held between Arab countries and Western allies in paris to discuss this in detail. Syria's future is to be discussed in this meeting.

America's announcement of stopping cooperation amid the ongoing civil war in syria can prove to be a big crisis for Syria's future. An international conference is being organized in Paris on Thursday to discuss this matter.In this, representatives of Western countries and Arab countries are gathering to discuss Syria's future. This conference is being held after the fall of former Syrian President Bashar Assad, and during this time there is uncertainty about America's commitment to the region. Let us tell you that this is the third conference on syria after Assad was removed from power in December and also the first conference after President Donald Trump's administration came to power.

Syria's interim Foreign Minister Asadal-Shibani has been invited to the conference. This will be Shibani's first visit to Europe. At this conference, she expressed her desire to improve Syria's relations with Western countries and lift sanctions so that the country can begin the process of reconstruction.

The US decision to stop foreign aid has increased concerns in syria, as syria was already devastated by the civil war and was dependent on aid from America. The trump administration laid off USAID employees, ending the mission to fight hunger, education, and epidemics.

Syrian citizens welcomed the end of Assad's rule, but analysts say that if the new rulers fail to improve the country's deteriorating economy, their power may be limited.

Syria needs billions of dollars in aid.

Syria needs billions of dollars for reconstruction, as the condition of the country's infrastructure has deteriorated after 14 years of war. In 2017, the UN estimated that syria would need at least $250 billion for reconstruction, but now experts say the amount could rise to $400 billion. After the freeze on US foreign aid, the lack of aid is being felt especially in the northwest of syria, where people displaced by the war live in tent camps.

Uncertainty over US military support too

In addition, there is uncertainty over the future of US military support in Syria. trump had earlier decided to withdraw US troops from syria, and now there is no clarity about this even after the new Syrian leaders have come to power. The main objective of the conference is to support a peaceful transition, promote regional cooperation, and strengthen the fight against impunity.

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