Since its Netflix debut, kareena kapoor Khan's film "The Buckingham Murders," which was directed by Hansal Mehta, has received a range of reviews. The movie tells the tale of Jass Bhamra, a Buckinghamshire police officer looking into a child's disappearance. By delving deeply into emotional and societal difficulties, the movie seeks to address the subject of immigrant struggles. Although the film's premise is admirable, its implementation appears to have been poorly done, and many have expressed their displeasure.
The public has recognized kareena kapoor as a prominent member of the group and has given her acting as a mourning mother great acclaim. The film's plodding tempo and obvious story twists, however, have drawn harsh criticism. The film's poor production quality has also drawn criticism from viewers, who have likened it to a "YouTube Production." The absence of an english version and problems with the hindi dubbing have been other major grievances.
The movie has generated a lot of discussion on social media. "It lacks the slickness and engagement needed for a thriller," one user noted, while another bemoaned the film's "agonizingly slow" pace. "The Buckingham Murders" is a lost chance for its creators because, despite their best efforts to build the scene, it does not connect with the OTT audience.