Lady Teacher Breaks 11-Year-Boy's Tooth - Case Filed and She Twisted It Like 'THIS'

A teacher at Holy Christ school in Jayanagar has been charged by the police after she fractured a sixth-grader's tooth on Thursday. The FIR claims that during class at approximately 12.30 pm, the hindi instructor struck the 11-year-old pupil in the data-face with a wooden stick, breaking one of his teeth. According to the authorities, the boy and his classmates were splattering water on one another while playing with "gum bottles" inside the classroom. After frightening them with a stick in an attempt to stop them, the instructor struck the youngster.

By BNS Section 122(2), which addresses willful harm, and the Juvenile Justice Act, the police have filed a formal complaint. They grabbed the stick and the falling tooth and called for the instructor. According to a police official with knowledge of the case, the instructor stated that she didn't hit the youngster on purpose and that it was an accident. She said that when she attempted to use the stick as a warning, the boy's data-face got in the way.
When she attempted to stop them, the kids lost control and sprayed her with water. According to her explanation, that's why she had to attack them with sticks," the officer informed DH. The boy's father is the target of a countercomplaint from the school administration. It has been reported to the police as non-cognizable.
Following the incident, the school administration allegedly accused the boy's father of abusing the teacher and creating chaos on campus, according to the police. The boy's father was accused of exaggerating the situation "out of proportion" when he was requested to pay the unpaid school fees, according to the report.

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