Top 10 Most Porn Watching Countries - Where India Stands?
Egypt, vietnam, iran, and morocco follow Pakistan. In china, it is typical to watch porn while seated in an office or other work-related setting. Wenson Born for Blue Coat, a research institution, surveyed people in eleven different nations. The majority of workers use websites despite cyber security risks, according to the study. In china, over 19% of workers watch porn while at work. In this instance, the UK comes in third, followed by mexico in second. Among viewers, iran has the youngest population. The poll indicates that the majority of the readership is under 35. In mexico, a disproportionately high proportion of the audience is young.
The top 10 countries in the world watching movies are as follows
1. Pakistan
2. egypt
3. vietnam
4. iran
5. morocco
6. india
7. saudi arabia
8. turkey
9. philippines
10. Poland