Indian Insurance company customers data in Telegram!?

Sowmiya Sriram
Indian Insurance company customers data in Telegram!?
 It is known that the founder and CEO of the Telegram app, Pavel Durov, was arrested by the paris police last month for allowing crimes. Recently, another sensational allegation regarding this organization has come to the fore. There are reports that customer data of an insurance company is available through chat. Yes... It seems that a large number of customers' data has been stolen from "Star Health", a leading health insurance company in India. As part of this, there are reports that the information of lakhs of customers has been openly sold.
It is said that these contain sensitive information along with health reports of customers. But on this occasion, the topic of Telegram came up. As part of this, it is reported that this health insurance information is available through chatbots in the app. It is said that this matter came to light after the chatbot creator told a security researcher.
It is said that the researcher disclosed this matter to the media. This media company said that health policy and claim documents can be downloaded using chatbots! At the same time... it said that the information about the customers' names, addresses, phone numbers, mail IDs, and the results of the tests they have undergone can be obtained. It is known that last month Telegram CEO Pavel Durov was arrested by the paris police. He is accused of cheating, drug trafficking, cybercrime, and promoting organized crime. In this background, the data matter of Star health customers has recently come to light.

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