Uyghur terrorism at the instigation of Pakistan? The Turkistan Islamic Party, an active Uyghur terrorist group in China's Xinjiang province, can now become a threat to india with the help of Pakistan. pakistan supports many terrorist groups. Pakistan's proximity to Xinjiang can help TIP to operate from there. pakistan has been involved in cross-data-border terrorism against india, so it can ignore the activities of TIP or support it secretly.
TIP fighters can infiltrate india via afghanistan and Pakistan. They can carry out terrorist attacks in India. With the support of pakistan, TIP can expand its network in India. In such a situation, india will have to keep an eye on the activities of TIP and other terrorist groups.
Opportunity for india to corner China?
Growing Uighur terrorism in china can also create an opportunity for india to corner China. china often criticizes india on the issue of terrorism in Kashmir, but ignores the role of Pakistan. Now the rise of TIP has exposed China's own weakness. india can take advantage of this and refute China's claims. china speaks against terrorism around the world, but is itself struggling with Uighur terrorism. india can expose this duplicity. india can put diplomatic pressure on china on this issue and force it to take strict action against terrorism. This is a big strategic opportunity for India.