How does ammonium behave in cold weather?

frame How does ammonium behave in cold weather?

S Venkateshwari
How does ammonium behave in cold weather?

Scientists used a computer model (ISORROPIA II) to find out how ammonium behaves in small particles (aerosols) present in the air during cold weather. Ammonium is found in two forms:

Ammonia (NH3): It is a gas.

Ammonium ion (NH4+): It is dissolved in water.

When the pH level of aerosol is more than 3, ammonium remains mostly in gaseous form (ammonia). But, when the pH level is less than 3, ammonium dissolves in water and becomes ammonium ion. In Fairbanks, the pH level of aerosols changes rapidly during cold weather. Sometimes it becomes more acidic (low pH), and sometimes less acidic (high pH). Due to this change, ammonium also keeps changing its form. The volatility of ammonia decreases in cold weather. Due to this, it cannot remain in the form of gas in the air and dissolves in aerosols. This reduces the acidity of the aerosol and the level of pollution can increase.

Is there a danger for india too?

This research from Fairbanks, Alaska has given new information about pollution in cold areas. But, this research is mostly important for cold areas, such as high altitude areas like the Himalayas. It may not have a direct impact on hot countries like India. This study also forces us to think about what effect the changing temperature can have on pollution and climate, especially at a time when the threat of global warming is increasing all over the world. It is important to understand how pollution is changing due to global warming and what effect it can have on our health.

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