Camp Office Expenses Of Pawan Kalyan & Jagan
First off, these costs are for a nine-month period. That works up to almost 9 lakhs a month. Taking into account the position he holds, it is not a significant sum. It should be mentioned that the state government invested several hundred thousand dollars on jagan Mohan Reddy's camp office. The state government spent forty crore rupees on items to build up jagan Mohan Reddy's camp office at his home. Another two crore rupees have been spent on the house's view-cutters. Even the house's driveway was enlarged for around Rs 5 crore. Additionally, landscaping and beautification have cost lakhs of Rupees.
These kinds of costs often total millions of dollars. It should be mentioned that the pawan kalyan Camp office is housed in a government building at Vijayawada's Irrigation Building. The structure is ancient. pawan kalyan was given the opportunity to lease a new building with the government picking up the tab, but he declined. At the government's cost, jagan really built his own home to serve as the camp office and made long-term improvements.
Additionally, essential services like housekeeping, labor, and security are covered by this 82 lakh rupees. He is not squandering cash on pointless purchases. Before making absurd remarks, the congress PARTY' target='_blank' title='ysr congress-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW">ysr congress need to return the furniture that was bought with public funds. pawan kalyan gave the victims of the vijayawada floods a donation of five crore rupees. The congress PARTY' target='_blank' title='ysr congress-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW">ysr congress announced a namesake gift, but they haven't yet revealed how the money would be used to help the victims. Despite being one of the wealthiest politicians in the nation, jagan achieved nothing on his own. congress PARTY' target='_blank' title='ysr congress-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW">ysr congress leaders understand the black mark on their backs before speaking about Pawan Kalyan.