On Thursday, the versatile samantha Ruth Prabhu and bollywood actor varun dhawan attended the trailer presentation of Citadel: Honey Bunny, their next web series. The two lavished one other with praises during the occasion, while varun dhawan shared which samantha movie song is his fave.
Speaking to the media, varun shared, "I really liked that song, eega song 'Ne Ne nani Ne'. I love that song. Whenever I would meet her (Samantha), I would just say, 'Can we make a reel on this song?' One chance. And she was so amazing in that film. While doing this series with her, I realized 'Oh ye toh samantha thi' (Oh, this was Samantha!). She has given so many hits, so I didn't know it was her (initially)." When varun started to sing, samantha laughed and said, "He has been wanting to do this forever."
Citadel: Honey Bunny, directed by raj and DK, is the indian adaptation of the original film starring priyanka chopra and richard Madden. In addition to Honey Bunny, varun dhawan is now working on Baby John, the atlee film directed by him. 'Citadel: Honey Bunny' teaser launch was recently attended by varun dhawan and samantha Ruth Prabhu.